
In Memory of David Loera
1974 - 2024

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Started by Joe Copalman, July 14, 2009, 07:02:35 PM

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I have never seen this thread before and even though I have been a member for several months now I thought I would write a little background on myself

My name is Chris (which seems real popular on here) I am 34 ,single and have been into aircraft or aviation since I was 10 (wanna guess what popular movie came out that year) but the movie came out after I discovered aviation ,I promise ,it actually started when I picked up a book on the air war in Vietnam and ever since then I could not learn enough ,attended my first airshow in '86' at El Toro then in 1990 my family moved to Arizona and from the early 90's Luke was like my second home and I usually had my video camera with me ,graduated from Independence in 1994  and worked for my dad fixing TV's in a shop we owned in Peoria ,that closed in 2001 then sold computers for 4 years at Fry's Electronics ,then Best Buy after that I worked for Cox and now a company called Cable One doing Internet tech support and thats what made it possible to buy my first DSLR ,a Canon XS and a 300mm lens ,started taking Pics and met Joe who invited me to join the group ,so here I am ...............,I have since met some great people especially ,JASON BONG ,Matt Ottosen and Chris Palmer who allowed me to acompany them to Valle for the fly-in and cant wait to do it again ,hint hint ,lol

Flickr account -
Facebook -!/profile.php?id=100000130243943 (add me)

Harry Morrow


Not sure if I sent in an introduction since joining this group last year, but if not here goes.

I am originally from the UK or Scotland to be more precise, but have lived in England for 95% of my life, I sort of moved to Tucson AZ Oct 2009 but with divorce, immigration problems etc etc I have had no time to do what I like doing best photographing aeroplanes. But now I have married again October 17th to my loverly wife Jacqueline who is also an ex pat but the difference is she is now an American citizen, we dated way back in 1979 in Leeds, England yes goofy I know 30 years later, so my immigration meeting is later this month to stay permanantly, so hopefully get out more and hopefully meet up with some of you guys.

Before I left the UK i had started up in business as a photographer (a long time ambition) but this was put on hold over here as I was not allowed to work until the correct paper work was in order, but now we have just launched over here at and hopefully the good people of Tucson are going fulrish me with lots of bookings lol.

I have only met one person from this list that I know of, he was called Bill, think it was last March, would love to meet with any guys down at Tucson or DM just to get out of the house now and then, so drop me a line.

I managed to get some resonable shots at the DM airshow last year from outside, so looking forward to doing a few airshows this year.

Thanks for reading this far and say hello if you ever see me, I drive a purple mazda 626 with the license plate morrow9

Harry Morrow

Lynn Evans

Thank you for accepting me as a member. We moved to Parker Dam in 1951 when I was 5. I grew up there and Parker, moved to Yuma in 1964, and except for 4 years in Socal have been here since. I recall my parents taking us to the Phoenix airport when I was a kid just to watch the planes take off and land. Yes we are country! I worked for a crop duster as a teen. We flew Piper Pawnees and a N3N. The owner also had a couple of Cherokees and an Apache. I got to fly quite a bit with this job. No flying since though.
I am retired, owned an insurance agency for 38 years. Still in Yuma for the winters, and then travel in the summer.
Lynn Evans


Harry, it was me bill word that you met at TIA last March. There are several of AzAP members here in Tucson.  The next time I know ahead of time when I go to TIA or D-M I will post in the Meet-Up area of this forum.
Welcome aboard,
bill word
bill word
Tucson, AZ


Nice to "meet" both of you, hope to do it in-person soon.
James "JSlugman" O'Rear
Yokota AFB, Japan RJTY

Author of "Aviation Photography- A Pictorial Guide"

Harry Morrow

Quote from: bilwor on January 04, 2011, 07:56:16 PM
Harry, it was me bill word that you met at TIA last March. There are several of AzAP members here in Tucson.  The next time I know ahead of time when I go to TIA or D-M I will post in the Meet-Up area of this forum.
Welcome aboard,
bill word

HI Bill

Thanks for the response that will be great to meet up some time just let me know most days execpt Tuesdays, I am child sitting duty from 1pm lol.


Harry Morrow

Harry Morrow

Quote from: jslugman on January 04, 2011, 08:10:38 PM
Nice to "meet" both of you, hope to do it in-person soon.

HI James

That would be really cool, it was great to meet Bill last year since then I have never been around at the same time as anyone else, just usually see my european friends doing the usual quick dash around the airfield, also not seen a Dutch F-16 for a year and half so looking forward to getting down there, does anyone know how many Dutch F-16's have arrived at Tucson.


Harry Morrow

Ned Harris

Welcome aboard Harry. I look forward to shooting with you around Tucson.
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona

Harry Morrow

Quote from: Ned Harris on January 05, 2011, 06:26:26 AM
Welcome aboard Harry. I look forward to shooting with you around Tucson.

HI Ned

Some great stuff on your flickr site, would be great to meet some time.


Harry Morrow

Jeff D. Welker

Even though I have been a member for a month or so, I wasn't aware of this thread and figured it would be a good idea to introduce myself.

My name is Jeff and I recently achieved the double-nickel (55). I am born-n-raised in Mesa. I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. We've got two sons and two grandsons - with a third on the way. My father is a retired professional photographer and did 20-years in the USAF/ANG. Accordingly, I have both photography and aviation in my genetic code. My dad was initially stationed at Luke AFB and finished his time as a member of the ANG at Sky Harbor. I've got photos of myself sitting on the wings of RF-51's, F-80's, F-86A's, and F-104's (my dad's all-time favorite jet). In my 20's and 30's I shot weddings and family portraits part-time for my dad. He was part owner in a Cessna 206 that allowed him to do aerial photography out the back door - I logged a lot of time riding co-pilot in that plane. I worked for the City of Mesa for 32-years. As my career with Mesa grew, I put away my camera gear and pursued raising a family. We've been empty nested for the past couple of years and my passion for photography and aviation has resurfaced.

I'm getting ready to take the plunge, get some serious DSLR gear and go chase planes. I was very excited to find this site and the great information/images that are posted on the various threads. I hope to contribute in the future and learn a bunch from all the fine folks on AzAP. I have some great historic photos from my father's time in the military that I hope to post in the near future. I look forward to meeting members of AzAP and learning from your expertise/experience. While I've got some serious time with film cameras, the digital world is somewhat new and I am excited to get acclimated.

PS - I learned to swim at the old RAF officers pool at Falcon Field. I've been hanging out at Falcon for one reason or another since I was a very little kid.
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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Welcome aboard.

With your background in film photography, picking up digital will be no problem.

I started shooting film with a SLR back in 1978.  Shot with the same camera until 2005.  Then bought a DSLR, and personally I don't feel there is any difference in shooting.  The real difference is the instant gratification (or disappointment) in seeing the results right there.  This allows you to adjust exposure, and try again, unless your shooting some jet taking off.  Another big difference, which goes along with exposure is you can change the ISO setting between every shot if you choose.  One very critical benefit is the cost of each shot is virtually nothing, not considering the camera and lens cost, which aren't any more expensive than good film cameras back 30 years ago.

Then of course is the ease with which you can modify/adjust your photo in the computer after the shot, to improve it for presentation.

Again, Welcome.
Bill O.
Bill Osmun

Jeff D. Welker

Thanks for the kind welcome.

I've been using a Canon G11 recently to help me get used to digital. The vast majority of my prior "film" work was either with strobe (i.e. weddings) or landscape work from a tripod. The new AF systems and high ISO options will be my greatest learning challenge. No matter - it will be a bunch of fun getting myself up to speed.
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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any posted images without consent.


Welcome Jeff.  My fave part of digital is not getting that sick feeling in your stomach when the counter went to 38 frames.   ;D
James "JSlugman" O'Rear
Yokota AFB, Japan RJTY

Author of "Aviation Photography- A Pictorial Guide"

Jay Beckman

Hi Jeff and Welcome!

Old film shooter here as well.  Digital is totally a breath of fresh air and I'm sure you'll rock the shutter in no time!
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Joe Copalman

Welcome aboard Jeff!

I'm local to Falcon and have really been growing to love it out there, especially early in the morning or right around sunset.  This is a great time of year to shoot out there with the CAF birds being at home and lots of seasonal warbird visitors.  Shoot me a PM if you're ever headed out there.
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ