Non Aviation Photography Thread

Started by Jay Beckman, October 13, 2009, 09:26:02 PM

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Jeff D. Welker

Quote from: Jay Beckman on February 07, 2011, 01:20:58 AM
Alternative modes of transportation on display at Pioneer Village up by Anthem:

Nice 3D effect on the orange tractor - very cool. What was the lens/focal length?
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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Jay Beckman

HI Jeff...

That is the very magical EF 135mm f/2L shot wide open.  It's usually a head-shot portrait length but it can do some really fun things in other situatoions.

I find it very handy for picking off details on aircraft:

Or for isolating a thin band of sharp things with a nice "smooshy" background:
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Jeff D. Welker

Jay - are you controlling the DOF with your F-Stop? It seems the Bokeh effect is different in each photo. When there is a serious blur, it does a great job of isolating the detail. However, when the blur is lessened (as in the orange tractor shot) it really gives a wonderful 3-D effect. It seems that the EF 135 really delivers at many levels. It reminds me of the 3-D rendering I've seen from the Zeiss ZE Makro-Planar T 2/100.
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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Jay Beckman

Camera to Subject distance and Subject to Background distance both play a part in how far OOF the background will go and yes, you get a handle on this by keying in on the aperture first and then choosing a shutter speed 2nd.

For the tractor, I was fairly close to it and it was pretty hard up against the wall of the shed.  Sometimes just the right distance to the background gives it a 3D-ish look.

For the P-38, I was probably three times farther away (camera to subject) and the background was basically on the other side of the Chino Airport so it went very, very far OOF.
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Jay Beckman

f/2 also allows for better light gathering under less than ideal conditions:

1DMkIV + 135mm f/2L .. 1/90 @ f/2 ISO 100
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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This is a beautifuly composed photo Jay.  Wow

Jay Beckman

Quote from: wingsnstuff on February 07, 2011, 11:58:02 PM
This is a beautifuly composed photo Jay.  Wow

Thanks Vance.  Sometimes I do get away from airports!
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Ned Harris

Ferruginous Hawk, Sulphur Springs Valley, AZ, 2-6-11.

_MG_0927 Ferruginous Hawk by Ned Harris, on Flickr
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona


Jay, I love that tractor shot.

Ned........(In my best Michael Palin voice) Lovely plumage.  ;D



Awesome shot Ned.  I've been so unsuccessful in my efforts to photograph the hawks, owls, and eagles up around my neck of the woods,  They, without exception, seem to be slightly out of focus.  Frustrating.  I do enjoy viewing your quality work.

Lynn Evans

Ned, you did a great job of not blowing out the white plumage. Good capture.
Lynn Evans


Quote from: wingsnstuff on February 10, 2011, 10:31:05 AM
I've been so unsuccessful in my efforts to photograph the hawks, owls, and eagles up around my neck of the woods,  They, without exception, seem to be slightly out of focus.  Frustrating.

What type of camera? Settings? Lens(s)?


Ned Harris

Scott: The Ferruginous Hawk was taken with my Canon 7D, 500 f4.0 and 1.4x telextender out the window of my SUV resting on a double bean bag. It was aperture priority at f 7.1 with zero compensation.
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona


Wickenburg Gold Rush Days.

My new 5D seems to be over exposing shots, compared to my 7D. I adjusted it with some settings in the camera, but still, I'm surprised it's shooting so hot.

Anyway, here's a few pics. Some from the 5D, some from the 7D. It really doesn't matter. Both take great pics. Now, if only the photographer would improve.

Anyone remember this horse from last year?

He kicked ass again this year.

Check out the boot flying off.

This horse was full of piss and vinegar.

They couldn't round it up after the ride.

He's hauling ass past me.

On to the chicks running barrels.

Lowsides suck.

My neighbor poses for a Ford commercial.

And tells all of you where to go.

Great day. More tomorrow.
