Non Aviation Photography Thread

Started by Jay Beckman, October 13, 2009, 09:26:02 PM

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Scott Youmans

Forgot to mention. All of the Bennington and area images were taken with a Nikon Df and AF Nikkor 35mm f/2D lens. Was fun in a way to have just the one lens attached. I brought others but stuck with the 35mm for all but a couple of (unposted) shots.
Scott C. Youmans
All Rights Reserved

Scott Youmans

Early test shot with Sigma 35mm f/1.4 taken at the Biltmore Fashion Park near the Apple Store. Shot at f/1.4.
Scott C. Youmans
All Rights Reserved

Anna M. Wood

Cool image Scott.

The Sigma 35mm f1.4 Art is a fantastic lens.

Scott Youmans

Thanks Anna, I took some test shots with my old Nikkor AF 35mm F/2.8D and the Sigma. The Sigma is sharper everywhere but there's no comparison in the corners. And of course it's two stops faster. Beautifully constructed as well. Reminds me of some of the Zeiss lenses for the Sony's. We'll see how well it holds up over the years. I tend to be easy on my equipment though there have been some unintentional exceptions!
Scott C. Youmans
All Rights Reserved

Matt Ottosen

With the fog the morning of Super Bowl XLIX, I decided to take a little photowalk around my neighborhood.

Matt "Linus" Ottosen
Ottosen Photography
Phoenix, AZ

The Legend of the Guardian of the Line
The Greek God "Linus" comes from the Greek name Λινος (Linos) meaning "leg."
In Greek legend, he was the son of the God Apollo who was accidentally killed when he stepped over the white line.

All images © Matt Ottosen | Ottosen Photography, all rights reserved.

Paul Dumm

Matt, If you told me that was England I would have believed you.
"You don't become a professional simply by earning certificates, adding ratings, or getting a paycheck for flying. Rather, professionalism is a mindset. It comes from having the attitude, the ethics, and the discipline to do the right thing — every time, all the time, regardless of who's watching."

Brian Lockett

Four Peaks after the winter storm on January 2.

Matt Ottosen

Rylan and I spent yesterday afternoon at the Phoenix Zoo.

Scarlet Macaw

African Lion

Spotted-necked Otter

White Rhinoceros
Matt "Linus" Ottosen
Ottosen Photography
Phoenix, AZ

The Legend of the Guardian of the Line
The Greek God "Linus" comes from the Greek name Λινος (Linos) meaning "leg."
In Greek legend, he was the son of the God Apollo who was accidentally killed when he stepped over the white line.

All images © Matt Ottosen | Ottosen Photography, all rights reserved.

Tower Guy

Very nice photo Vance, birds are always a cool subject.

Mike Margolis

Now with my longer camera/lens combo, the roadrunners don't run away from me, they run AT me!!

Road Runner head on shop new lens action cam - 1888 by Mike Margolis Photography, on Flickr
"Could be worse... Could be raining."

Chris Janes

Thought I would give a shot at some night time sky photos. Here is the Orion constellation.
Orion's Belt by Chris Janes, on Flickr

Jeff D. Welker

^^^ Cool image Chris. When you get comfortable with your night sky work, please share what you've learned. I seem to always struggle with photographing the stars and can use all the help I can get. Well done sir.
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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Chris Janes

Thank you Jeff!
A few things I discovered right off the bat is, go far away from any city lighting as possible. I went to the first lookout on the road to Mount Lemmon thinking I would be high enough and far enough away from the lights and noticed that the city lights were still having an effect on the clarity of the sky. Even though I got some ok results with my 17-40 a 2.8 lens would've helped gather the light a little better. I seemed to be getting the best images from between 18-25 second exposures, anything past 30 seconds and the images were getting blurred.  I'm hoping to head out again over the weekend If I discover anything else I'll gladly pass it on.

Glenn Bloore

A shot from a local wildlife reserve yesterday.

Glenn E. Bloore
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All Images are © Glenn E. Bloore

Matt Ottosen

Last two from our trip to Tombstone, Arizona.

O.K. Corral

The Bird Cage Theatre
Matt "Linus" Ottosen
Ottosen Photography
Phoenix, AZ

The Legend of the Guardian of the Line
The Greek God "Linus" comes from the Greek name Λινος (Linos) meaning "leg."
In Greek legend, he was the son of the God Apollo who was accidentally killed when he stepped over the white line.

All images © Matt Ottosen | Ottosen Photography, all rights reserved.