Non Aviation Photography Thread

Started by Jay Beckman, October 13, 2009, 09:26:02 PM

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Ned Harris

Desert Tortoise on the move. Sabino Canyon.  9/18/13.

_X5A7345 by Ned Harris, on Flickr
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona


Nice mature male tort Ned! Always nice to see one in the wild.


Tower Guy

Bill, this is a very unique view of a hawk. Usually inflight or in a tree, but don't remember ever seeing one standing in a stream. Very cool!


Thanks. It was certainly an unusual experience for me, not only because he was sitting in the water but because he calmly sat there and let me take about 15 shots. He was still there when I walked away. FWIW, this was taken at Sweetwater Wetlands here in Tucson.


Ned Harris

Blue-eyed Darner dragonfly, Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, 10/2/13.

_X5A9087 Blue-eyed Darner dragonfly in Sweetwater Wetlands. by Ned Harris, on Flickr
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona

Ned Harris

Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona


Challenger Astronaut John McBride in a Tu Tu. Or is it a Four Four? Or a Tu Tu Tu Tu?


Ned Harris

Bill: That is a male Blue-winged Teal.
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona


Barry Griffiths

Barry Griffiths
Tucson, Arizona & Waterloo, Ontario

Jay Beckman

From recently completed four-day visit to The Mouse...

The new Carthay Circle area of California Adventure.  An exact replica of the theater where Disney's "Snow White" debuted

Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Ned Harris

Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona

Ned Harris

Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona

Joe Copalman

Kinda-sorta non-aviationish.  I'm pretty certain this was at Houston Bush Intercontinental, but am not 100% sure.  Might be DFW.  Shot on a business trip to New Orleans back in 2011.
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Jay Beckman

"Why Yes, We Think You'd Do Quite Nicely..."
Phoenix Zoo .. October, 2013

Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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