Non Aviation Photography Thread

Started by Jay Beckman, October 13, 2009, 09:26:02 PM

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This must be a female.  I don't see any black dots on the lower portion of the wings.


That does look like a giant turkey sandwich.  Great Capture!


For those of you in the desert, just a reminder that rain does exist,

Rain Splitter by redsox223, on Flickr

Dave S.

Quote from: Mitchell Koffman on June 23, 2012, 05:05:49 PM
For those of you in the desert, just a reminder that rain does exist,

Rain Splitter by redsox223, on Flickr


Thanks for the reminder that water does still drop from the great, blue sky above us!  Funny timing on your reminder, we're finally getting some monsoon moisture flowing into the state and there are some clouds building far off to the south and east.  With any luck, we'll be treated to some great lightning and thunderstorm opportunities in the coming days and weeks.

- Dave
Constructive Comments & Critiques are always welcomed
All images © David Shields, all rights reserved
Some Canon bodies and lenses

Ned Harris

Downy young Killdeer, Sweetwater wetlands, Tucson, 6/26/12.

_92W7071 Too cute by Ned Harris, on Flickr
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona

Jay Beckman

Cute "boid" Ned!

Quote from: Desert Rat (Eric A. Rosen) on June 26, 2012, 12:59:05 PM
"Range of Light"

Fabulous Eric...

The "gallery print" treatment really works as well!
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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any posted images without consent.


Beautiful shot!  Very Very Nice.

Ned Harris

Greater Earless Lizard, Sabino Canyon, 6/29/12.

_92W7446 Greater Earless Lizard by Ned Harris, on Flickr
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona

Jeff D. Welker

The colors on that lizard are amazing Ned - great catch.
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

Please do not Tag, Share or otherwise Re-Distribute
any posted images without consent.

Ned Harris

Roseate Skimmer dragonfly, Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, 6/30/12.

_92W7689 Roseate Skimmer by Ned Harris, on Flickr
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona


Beautiful...God's wonderful design.  Well captured Ned

Rob Silliman

Fourth of July Fireworks at the Peoria Sports Complex

Ned Harris

Rob: Excellent capture of those fireworks.
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona


Ned Harris

Elegant Tern,  Huntington Beach, CA. 7-8-12.

_92W9098 Elegant Tern by Ned Harris, on Flickr
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona