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Old DM photos website

Started by Chris V, March 30, 2010, 10:57:26 AM

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Chris V

This link was sent to me by a friend and thought it was worth relaying to this site. Lot of old shots taken back in the 60's of DM and there are a few from Litchfield also.

Joe Copalman

Awesome link, Chris.  I'm typically not a fan of boneyard shots, but this guy's collection is seriously a gold mine of goodness.  Thanks for posting that.
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ


That site really does have some interesting shots. 
Nice to see people posting some of that old stuff, otherwise it will soon all just fade away into history.
Bill Osmun


Now this is exactly the kind of sh*t I love ,dont get me wrong I love all aspects of aviation (except hot air ballooning ,thats really boring) but to see what used to exist in our own backyard is simply amazing so from one Chris to another ,you made my day ,I love you man  ;)


Wow, that was a great site. Neat to see the birds I talk about every week at Pima in a different light.
James "JSlugman" O'Rear
Yokota AFB, Japan RJTY

Author of "Aviation Photography- A Pictorial Guide"



Yep. Wednesdays I give tram tours with 3 other gentleman at 10, 11:30, 1:30 and 3. High-season is coming to an end so not sure which day they'll roll us back to 3 tours.
James "JSlugman" O'Rear
Yokota AFB, Japan RJTY

Author of "Aviation Photography- A Pictorial Guide"


man I would love to see that ,I cant believe I have lived in Arizona 20 years this summer and have only been to Pima once and have only seen the boneyard once after this years airshow at DM and being a self proclaimed hardcore aviation buff who lives in Phoenix its kinda embarassing

Chris V

The KC-97 that was trucked to Colorado Spring to be made into a restaurant is here.