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Boeing 747

Started by Matt Ottosen, June 18, 2009, 08:50:44 PM

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Dave S.

I took another stab at grabbing a BA departure.  She was scheduled to leave about 15 minutes before sunset.  She finally lifted off about 10 minutes after sunset.  Oh well, there's always next time.
Constructive Comments & Critiques are always welcomed
All images © David Shields, all rights reserved
Some Canon bodies and lenses

Dave S.

Thought I'd start a new thread, one specifically for the 747-8.  We may decide to merge it with the present 747 thread, but for now, the -8 is getting its own, special treatment.

Okay, we decided to merge the two threads, 747 & 747-8 - now all appear under the 747 thread.

So, without further ado, here are some shots of the 747-8 arriving at Williams Gateway this morning.  She did three touch-and-go's and then a full stop landing.

Constructive Comments & Critiques are always welcomed
All images © David Shields, all rights reserved
Some Canon bodies and lenses

Dave S.

... and just in case you thought I might have seen just a classic 747 doing some touch-and-go's, this next one might convince you otherwise.

And finally, her full stop landing.

Apologies for the heat haze - it was already 95ºF outside when she landed.

- Dave S.
Constructive Comments & Critiques are always welcomed
All images © David Shields, all rights reserved
Some Canon bodies and lenses

Rob Silliman

Quote from: Dave S. on June 21, 2010, 12:03:45 PM
So, without further ado, here are some shots of the 747-8 arriving at Williams Gateway this morning.  She did three touch-and-go's and then a full stop landing.

Did it actually 'touch' or did they do the Honeywell version where they only come down to 200' and then go back up and around?

Dave S.


Three full on, length of the runway, honest touch-and-go's.

Here's a shot showing the first touchdown.  I probably shouldn't post it, due to the incredible amount of heat haze, but will anyway - just to show the actual touchdown.

- Dave
Constructive Comments & Critiques are always welcomed
All images © David Shields, all rights reserved
Some Canon bodies and lenses


Nice work Dave, im kicking myself for not getting out there this morning.


Dave I just want to say ........ THANK YOU for sharing those awesome pics with us. Heat Haze or no heat haze they are awesome. I wanted to make it out there but had a couple DR appointments that I had to goto. And with me only having a 200mm lens I probably would have bad results. But again thank you. Nice pictures.

Jason Bong

Joe Copalman

150mm was perfect, so 200 would have been fine.

It's a big sumbitch.
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ


Well oh well. maybe sometime this week I can get out there.

Dave S.


T'was my sweaty pleasure.

Joe, How did your shots turn out?  Was there any additional activity?

- Dave S.
Constructive Comments & Critiques are always welcomed
All images © David Shields, all rights reserved
Some Canon bodies and lenses


I bet you guys were cooking. lol

Joe Copalman

Dave, my shots came out alright - better than expected in terms of sharpness, and the heat-haze wasn't too bad.  I was able to keep him full-frame at 150mm, so the 12C landings worked out.  Only thing wrong is the backlighting, but I'm sure a touch of "lighten shadows" in PS and a dash of noise reduction will make the images a little more presentable.  Can't do any of that until this evening, so I'll get my shots up later tonight.
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

aaron kluth

wish i could've gotten closer but still thrilled to see this today!
All Images © of Aaron J. Kluth all rights reserved.

Matt Ottosen


Here's a couple from today.
Matt "Linus" Ottosen
Ottosen Photography
Phoenix, AZ

The Legend of the Guardian of the Line
The Greek God "Linus" comes from the Greek name Λινος (Linos) meaning "leg."
In Greek legend, he was the son of the God Apollo who was accidentally killed when he stepped over the white line.

All images © Matt Ottosen | Ottosen Photography, all rights reserved.
