Non Aviation Photography Thread

Started by Jay Beckman, October 13, 2009, 09:26:02 PM

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Paul Dumm

"You don't become a professional simply by earning certificates, adding ratings, or getting a paycheck for flying. Rather, professionalism is a mindset. It comes from having the attitude, the ethics, and the discipline to do the right thing — every time, all the time, regardless of who's watching."

Stephen Marshall

I keep it by my bedside table for just such emergencies.

"    ...And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O LORD, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the LORD did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... And the LORD spoke, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it." Amen.   "
-- I'm Stephen Marshall and I approve this message.  |   Visit my Flickr.

Chris Kennedy

Great shot, Kaspar. Did he stay on?

Check out the guy to the right with his mouth wide open.  :o
Chris Kennedy
Peoria, AZ

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Jay Beckman

Great Rodeo Action!!

Quote from: Stephen Marshall on November 21, 2010, 06:34:18 PM"    ...And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O LORD, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the LORD did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu...

"Skip A Bit, Brother..."

QuoteAnd the LORD spoke, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it." Amen.   "

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Ah, lobbest..... but only on three!
James "JSlugman" O'Rear
Yokota AFB, Japan RJTY

Author of "Aviation Photography- A Pictorial Guide"

Stephen Marshall

Favourite page of the thread.. no doubt about it!

;D ;D

Edit:  (Of course this comment WOULD be posted on the next page   :-\ )
-- I'm Stephen Marshall and I approve this message.  |   Visit my Flickr.

Chris V


Quote from: Stephen Marshall on November 21, 2010, 06:34:18 PM
"    ...And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O LORD, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the LORD did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... And the LORD spoke, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it." Amen.   "

Reminds me of an episode of Power Puff Girls (Los Dos Mojos) where they stole from Python with this quote from Mojo Jojo:

"That's all just well enough, because in reality there is only room enough in this world for one Mojo Jojo. One shall be the number of Mojo Jojos in the world, and the number of Mojo Jojos in the world shall be one! Two Mojo Jojos is too many, and three is right out! So, the only Mojo Jojo there is room for in the world SHALL BE ME! And being the only Mojo Jojo in the world, I will rule the world, in which there is only one MOJO JOJO!!!"

That show was great. Tons of adult humor in a kid's cartoon.






Looks as though its under a black light ,very cool