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El Centro Photocall - October 24th, 2012

Started by Joe Copalman, October 25, 2012, 01:06:06 AM

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Scott Youmans

Scott C. Youmans
All Rights Reserved

Joe Copalman

Quote from: Scott Youmans on November 03, 2012, 10:23:19 PM
Quote from: Joe Copalman on November 03, 2012, 09:13:55 PM
Beautiful image Joe.  Missed that one coming in.

Thanks, Scott.  I believe this one was shot on the walk back to the bus, as those final two -533 bird recovered before we left. 
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Jeff D. Welker

Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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any posted images without consent.

Scott Youmans

He could deny having been on the line but he wouldn't have a leg to stand on....
Scott C. Youmans
All Rights Reserved

Scott Youmans

Scott C. Youmans
All Rights Reserved

Dave S.

Constructive Comments & Critiques are always welcomed
All images © David Shields, all rights reserved
Some Canon bodies and lenses

Scott Youmans

Ned - Oh, and there's a Super Hornet in the background.
Scott C. Youmans
All Rights Reserved

Joe Copalman

OMG this whole thread has been cracking me up.  I ♥ you guys.
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Chris V

Jeff D. Welker

Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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any posted images without consent.

Joe Copalman

Quote from: Jeff Welker on November 05, 2012, 07:54:33 AM
^^^^ Really like this image Chris. The discolored exhaust adds a very nice touch IMO.

One final word on my photoshop. For good reason, Michelle is very particular about making sure all shooters know that crossing the white line (even by a frog's hair) is verboten! Since it is a exceptional privilege to enjoy this type of access, I'm sensitive to her directives. While there is nothing to be gained photographically, some folks just can't seem to comply. Every time I try to get a good shot of the group working the line, I inevitably get at least one nerd in violation. Gratefully, I did not find any violators from our crew - another display of AzAP discipline and professionalism.

Because I've refused to publicize images of shooters that can't seem to comply with the simplest of Michelle's rules, I rarely get to post this type of image. In frustration I've decided to take another approach. Every time I find an image with an offender, he/she is going to loose a limb. It is my way of dishing out visual punishment. It is also a fun opportunity to fine-tune my cloning skills  ;D

For what it's worth, I'm normally an eagle-eyed white-line nazi, and the only line incursion I saw on this trip was a woman from a local photography club who was half-sitting/half-laying down on the line, but she was told to move pretty quickly, and she was a good sport about it.  In terms of line discipline, I think this was one of the best trips we (us, APSoCal, and Fencecheck) have had out there.  This was PHXSpotters' first trip out there, and while I don't think the "Dude, I just got excited" excuse makes it okay, I remember my first time out there and can certainly relate to that frame of mind.  It's a lot to process, and for a first-timer, can be a bit of a sensory overload, which is why it's good to have so many experienced shooters out there to help out the new guys.  

Since being caught in the act of having a toe over the line by Ned a few trips back, I've made it a point to incorporate a toe-check every time I get ready to shoot out there.  Camera on?  Check.  Ear protection?  Check.  Proper settings?  Check.  Toes behind the line?  Check.  Simple as that.  2-3 seconds to account for all of those.  Start doing it every time and you're good to go, and you'll be able to self-correct before anyone taps you on the shoulder suggesting you step back an inch or two, or decides to saw your leg off via Photoshop.  
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Matt Ottosen

McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A++ Hornet
Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 115 (VMFA-115) "Silver Eagles"

Matt "Linus" Ottosen
Ottosen Photography
Phoenix, AZ

The Legend of the Guardian of the Line
The Greek God "Linus" comes from the Greek name Λινος (Linos) meaning "leg."
In Greek legend, he was the son of the God Apollo who was accidentally killed when he stepped over the white line.

All images © Matt Ottosen | Ottosen Photography, all rights reserved.

Joe Copalman

"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Jeff D. Welker

Joe - the late afternoon launch of that pair of Silver Eagles (which included this one) were my favorite photo ops of the trip. They had a world of pain under each wing and rolled into the best golden light of the day. Catching the full AB and jello air so well is the cherry on top. Great image  ;D
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

Please do not Tag, Share or otherwise Re-Distribute
any posted images without consent.

Joe Copalman

"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ