I Have Been Missing In Action

Started by Harry Morrow, March 01, 2012, 09:28:41 AM

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Harry Morrow

HI Everyone

Only ever met a few of you guys I am one of the local Brits who lives in the NW of Tucson and I have not been around at all in the past 10 months unfortunatly my wife was fighting cancer and lost her battle on 4th Dec, so I hope to get out for some photographing tomorrow was thinking about going down a street at the back of the base I have been to before when the air show was last on 2 years ago and think it is called Franklin Street got some great shots there last time anyways here is my cell number 5204651940 and my name is Harry and hopefully I can contribute a bit more now I have some time on my hands.

Harry Morrow

Harry Morrow


Dave S.


Condolences on your loss.

Regarding action today, you might want to check out the 'Heads Up' thread, within the AzAP News & Events section.  A couple of the guys were out for yesterday's arrival day for the Heritage Flight Conference @ DM.

- Dave

Constructive Comments & Critiques are always welcomed
All images © David Shields, all rights reserved
Some Canon bodies and lenses

Harry Morrow

Hi Dave

Thanks for the comment unfortunatly I have a very busy day and only if I get compleated stuff today will I be able to get out tomorrow, hopefully see someone or two tomorrow

Harry Morrow



Hey Harry, sorry for your loss. Hopefully we can meet up some time for pics.


Harry Morrow

Hey Thanks Scott

Will be out tomorrow just checked the Irvington location out thats just 1 street away from where I meant just got it all muddled up it is Tennese St not Frankiln quite Frankly I don't know where that came from so looks like Irvington for me

Harry Morrow


Joe Copalman

Not much I can add that hasn't been said already Harry.  Very sorry to hear of your loss.  Hope to meet you sometime in the near future.
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Jay Beckman

Sincerest condolences Harry.

Immersing yourself in photography will be, I think, a good thing!

Hope we cross paths soon!
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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