Grumpy airport commissioners

Started by scottcolbath, November 08, 2011, 09:31:13 PM

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Is it me, or do you all think it is a bad idea to hold our airport commission meetings at the actual airport, in the shack?

They are typically held in the council chambers at town hall. The October meeting was held at the airport to make it easier to cover an agenda item which was a renovation of the shack. In an error this month, the agenda was sent out with the location still as the airport......Not a bad thing since we were then able to actually stand and look at the area where we will be moving our new fuel tanks, rather than using the mind's eye to get an idea of it while sitting in the council chambers.

One commissioner walked in and griped about holding the meeting at the airport again. I could not contain myself. I stated that we are the airport commission and what better place to hold an airport commission meeting than at the airport which we are charged with maintaining. All pretty much agreed.

Hell, there's a nice leather couch and other comfy chairs. We have the airport records at our fingertips since the computer for the airport is right there. I could bring my grill and make dinner some nights. What's bad about this?


Paul Dumm

Scott, some people are just into the power and controll thing. Being I the council chambers mey give this person that feeling that they are on some higher leve then other people. Hold your meeting where they will do the best for what you are holding the meeting for.
"You don't become a professional simply by earning certificates, adding ratings, or getting a paycheck for flying. Rather, professionalism is a mindset. It comes from having the attitude, the ethics, and the discipline to do the right thing — every time, all the time, regardless of who's watching."


Quote from: Paul Dumm on November 09, 2011, 03:21:36 PM
Scott, some people are just into the power and controll thing. Being I the council chambers mey give this person that feeling that they are on some higher leve then other people. Hold your meeting where they will do the best for what you are holding the meeting for.

You are likely correct, and it just causes me to be all the more disappointed in humanity. I'll just keep marching to my drummer.
