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Air 2 Air Workshop

Started by Jay Beckman, November 15, 2010, 02:29:23 AM

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Jay Beckman

Some early edits from the air to air workshop in which I participated on November 13 and 14, 2010:

Sentimental Journey at Dusk:

Big Friend & Little Friends

Wingmen .. STANG and Jurco Spitfire

Cripes A Mighty

In The Overhead Break

A36 Bonanza At First Light

Van's RV-8

Red Baron Stearman "Ego Shot"

Gullwing Stinson Over Red Mountain

The View Out The Back Of The Sky Van (Even with just three shooters across the ramp, the field of view was sometimes very narrow.)

Comments & Critiques definately welcome!  I hope I did AzAP proud.
I'm posting these here before I've even started a gallery on the website so enjoy!!
If you're interested in participating in their next event (tentatively scheduled for March, go to
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Stephen Marshall

I can see how that would be worth the money! Excellent shots Jay!

And since when has there been a spitfire in AZ, and why have I not taken photos of it yet?
-- I'm Stephen Marshall and I approve this message.  |   Visit my Flickr.




Those are some very well done awesome shots. 
Bill Osmun


Wow, great shots Jay. You done good!
James "JSlugman" O'Rear
Yokota AFB, Japan RJTY

Author of "Aviation Photography- A Pictorial Guide"

Matt Ottosen

Really AWESOME, Jay, I love the "In The Overhead Break" shot of the Spitfire!
Matt "Linus" Ottosen
Ottosen Photography
Phoenix, AZ

The Legend of the Guardian of the Line
The Greek God "Linus" comes from the Greek name Λινος (Linos) meaning "leg."
In Greek legend, he was the son of the God Apollo who was accidentally killed when he stepped over the white line.

All images © Matt Ottosen | Ottosen Photography, all rights reserved.

Joe Copalman

Solid set of shots Jay.  I agree with Matt - the overhead break shot just kills it.  For the low shutter speed you were shooting at (1/80?  1/100?) and all the bumping around, everything is just tack sharp.

Actually, how bumpy was it?  Matt remarked on his Air-to-Air with Maid in the Shade that he got bumped around a lot and his keeper rate was pretty low.  Just wondering if you ran into the same problems with a more robust platform like the Skyvan.  (My aerial experience is limited to two air-to-ground shoots from an R22 with my 150-500, Pretty rough conditions given the platform and the needs of the client - close-up aerial shots of a beer festival.  Both vibration from the helicopter and wind blast were frustrating, but things got MUCH easier once I asked the pilot to hover).

Also interesting to see the contrast in the warmth of the evening shot to the much brighter morning shots.  That pollution out to west is a very nice filter.

-Stephen, the Spit is actually a kit-build.  It's been around for a while, and is supposedly now based out of Coolidge.  So we may see it next month out there.

"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Jay Beckman

Thank You for all the positive feedback.

The ride was very, very smooth.  Our PIC had never done a photo shoot before but he was a smooth stick and with some coaching from Doug Rozendaal (if you went to Willie or Marana to see Collings, Doug was driving "Betty Jane" that week) he kept the orbits consistant and on the money.  We hit a little chop out by the Superstitions when we had the fighters without SJ but it wasn't too bad.  I wouldn't want to try this at 2pm in July though.   :o

It was the station keeping of the subject pilots that amazed me.  Russ in the B-17 was awesome as was Casy Odegaard in Cripes on Saturday evening and the A-36 (which actually belonged to one of the workshop participants) on Sunday morning.  Richard would give them a hand signal or Doug would ask them to move a little on the radio and "boom", they'd move five up and five left or right and stick it there!  Everyone flew the brief perfectly.  We only missed two shots we wanted: 1) SJ taking off behind us (too much traffic for us to make a circuit and pick them up on the roll and 2) SJ landing (we couldn't keep SJ for the entire Saturday hop and she came home before we were done.)

Bob DeFord in the Spit just toyed with us on the way back to Falcon on Saturday evening.  Couldn't have gotten the over the runway shot if he didn't just stick right to us!

Was it pricey?  Yeah, I guess but the return on investment is through the images captured and the people I met.

FWIW, there was a very strong feeling that this workshop should make FFZ a more or less permanent home.  They might do others in CA or FL, but AZ and the AZ Wing of CAF just offer so much in terms of facilities and photographic opportunities.
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Paul Dumm

Quote from: Jay Beckman on November 15, 2010, 11:36:34 AM
FWIW, there was a very strong feeling that this workshop should make FFZ a more or less permanent home.  They might do others in CA or FL, but AZ and the AZ Wing of CAF just offer so much in terms of facilities and photographic opportunities.

Lets hope this happens as it is the best new I heard all weekend. After seeing your photos Jay, I feel it would be worth every cent on the CC.
"You don't become a professional simply by earning certificates, adding ratings, or getting a paycheck for flying. Rather, professionalism is a mindset. It comes from having the attitude, the ethics, and the discipline to do the right thing — every time, all the time, regardless of who's watching."

Jay Beckman

Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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any posted images without consent.


Chris Kennedy

Chris Kennedy
Peoria, AZ

Images posted may not be copied or reproduced without permission


Im speachless ,so where do I order my calanedar ,id be terrified to shoot out an open Shorts Van but would still do it anyhow but my favorite shots are of the ex Red Baron Super Stearman I didnt think any of those had survived in their original markings

Joe Copalman

Red Baron guy flew a wacky approach into FFZ after this flight.  Did some really wide S-turns behind a Cessna that was landing, but still didn't put enough space between himself and the Cessna, had to initiate a go-around at the last second, came back and landed all regular-like. 
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ


Sounds like that open cockpit may have made his head too hot