162FW gets an unexpected change of command

Started by F-16_fixer, October 02, 2010, 05:47:44 PM

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For anyone that cares and were wondering why flying was canceled at the 162FW today.  Brig. General Stroud was relieve of duty (fired) effective yesterday.  Vice Commander Colonel Maxwell is acting commander until a replacement is found.  11 years in the military this is a first for me and all of my co-workers.  Don't know what happened and the details were very vague.  So be on the lookout for a name change to the commanders jet. 

Paul Dumm

"You don't become a professional simply by earning certificates, adding ratings, or getting a paycheck for flying. Rather, professionalism is a mindset. It comes from having the attitude, the ethics, and the discipline to do the right thing — every time, all the time, regardless of who's watching."

Chris Kennedy

Chris Kennedy
Peoria, AZ


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Wow, that's never a very pleasant experience for anyone involved. 


I think I just got his bird last Tuesday while down at TIA.  Unfortunate situation for BG Stroud. 
Bill Osmun
www.afterburnerphoto.com       www.wideworldofaviation.com