Fall A2A Photographer Workshop

Started by Scotty G, August 16, 2019, 04:17:29 PM

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Scotty G

Hi, Gang,

In conjunction with the Lost Dutchman Stearman Fly-In and Formation Clinic, I'm holding a One-On-One/Air-to-Air Photographer Workshop.

By signing up, you'll get a discount rate on the ground school, and the chance to ride along on formation training flights. There will also be limited opportunities for dedicated photo flights that you plan, brief, and run. Normal de-briefs will be held, along with an educational brief-back.

Slots are very limited, so please sign up soon or contact me for more information.

Joe Copalman

I can't recommend this highly enough for anyone with an interest in learning more about active air-to-air photography. 

Scott gets into the details of planning, briefing, and running an aerial photo-mission.  He covers everything from communications and terminology, to various formations and maneuvers, to sorting out how to make sure the pilots you're flying with are safe and can do what you want them to do BEFORE you get in the air with them and find out otherwise. 

I can say definitively that working one-on-one with Scott and being put in that position of running a photo-flight and calling the adjustments, with him to back me up or remind me to use the agreed-upon terminology and adjustment increments we briefed beforehand, and having a voice at the table during the debrief were all massive confidence-builders.  When I did that photo-flight with the Turbine Legend earlier this year for Kitplanes magazine, I applied the lessons I learned from doing the one-on-one workshop with Scott to every portion of that process, from trying to secure a photoship pilot to briefing positions and radio calls, to making adjustments midair and not doing anything we didn't brief on the ground, to debriefing.

If you're looking for photo ops where all you do is show up and shoot cool aircraft out the back of a CASA 212 while someone else coordinates all the maneuvers and such, definitely give 3G a closer look.  But if you're looking to learn how to no-kidding plan, brief, and safely run a photo-flight, what Scott offers is worth checking out.   
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Brian Corbett

Man how I would love to do this, but all plans after the first week of Oct are on indefinite hold. Hopefully more chances like this come about in the future!
"My center is giving way, my right is in retreat, situation excellent. I attack."  --Marshall Foch, September, 1914, Battle of the Marne.

Inverted Sky Images


Are the dates for this in there somewhere, and I'm missing them?


Joe Copalman

"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Scotty G

Hi, Gang,

Just a quick update on this fall?s air-to-air photography workshop in Mesa, Arizona? Student spots are still available, and we now have ten Stearmans participating in the event.

That means a better than good chance of riding along on a formation training flight (no additional cost to you) or scheduling your own dedicated photo training flight.

Contact me at this email address, or give me a call at 602-430-6795. There are more details in the attached PDF.

Keep shooting,

Scott Germain

Scotty G

Last two pages of the 10/4/19 update...

Scotty G

Howdy, folks,

The workshop is tomorrow, and I'd be happy to accommodate any last minute photographers. Can't make the 1-4pm ground school?

No problem.

I can work with you to run you through during Friday or Saturday, too.

No additional charge for front-seat flights in Stearmans as they make formation training flights. Dedicated photo flights in Stearmans are $1,100 per flight - YOU plan and run the flight while receiving real-time instruction.

Evening shoot Thursday (and possibly Saturday) night; $25 fee for each if you don't attend the workshop. We'll have one or two Stearmans posed, and we'll run one for blurred prop and smoke photos.

Contact me ASAP if you'd like to attend.

Scott Germain