Non Aviation Photography Thread

Started by Jay Beckman, October 13, 2009, 09:26:02 PM

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Stephen Marshall

Some incredible shots of that dust storm!! Wish I could have been there to see it. I've always wanted to see that in person!
-- I'm Stephen Marshall and I approve this message.  |   Visit my Flickr.

Dave S.

While not nearly on par with Chris' shot from Tuesday evening, here's one from the aftermath on Wednesday morning.  Taken about 5:50, shortly after the barely detectable sunrise.

Constructive Comments & Critiques are always welcomed
All images © David Shields, all rights reserved
Some Canon bodies and lenses

Chris V

Here is one from the 4th, did not have the punch the big storm had on the 5th.

Chris V


...nice....Casa Grande nothing... ??? rain, no sucks..



Chris V

Had some extremely close lightning bolts this morning. Second pic shows part of another bolt that hit almost on top of me, check out how it lit the yard up.

Chris V



Great shots all around.

While nothing special photographically speaking, this shot is me and my new granddaughter. I did a 730 mile round trip out to San Diego on Saturday to see her for the first time.


Jay Beckman

What a Cutie!  Congrats!!  ;D

(How do you smoke a cigar at highway speeds?)
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Quote from: Jay Beckman on July 11, 2011, 12:25:45 PM
What a Cutie!  Congrats!!  ;D

(How do you smoke a cigar at highway speeds?)

Heh. I've never been a smoker, although I did get smoked by CHP on the way home. I was Eastbound on I-8 and I was hot. I had made three stops for water and to soak down my gear since Jacumba (it was that hot) and I was now just wanting to get to Yuma to get some cold water and stand in an air conditioned convenience store for a couple minutes. Silly me, I know cops are always at the check point, but I blew right through at 85 MPH with a cop watching the whole time. Common sense prevailed and I didn't make a run for the border (I'm too old to be going to jail). He caught up to me about one mile before the river. 85 in a 70. It's a good thing I wasn't going fast.  ;D


Chris V

Ned Harris

Courtship Flight of Elegant Terns, Huntington Beach, Ca.  7/7/11.

_MG_6383 Elegant Terns by Ned Harris, on Flickr
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona
