Non Aviation Photography Thread

Started by Jay Beckman, October 13, 2009, 09:26:02 PM

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Chris V

Jay Beckman

Things you do to pay the bills...  Product Shots!

My Charming Client...

This shoot is paying for my Utah trip...  ;D
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Nicely done Jay. A paycheck is a paycheck.


Jay Beckman

You betcha it is!

Cool image blending project:

Scenes from WWII blended with the same locations today.
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Ned Harris

Adult Cooper's Hawk gliding overhead, Sabino Canyon, 3/14/12.

_92W1511 Cooper's Hawk by Ned Harris, on Flickr
Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona


Ned Harris

Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona

Jeff D. Welker

As expected, AzAP is knocking it out of the park from MCAS Yuma. I am looking forward to Jay's images from St. George. Did I attend either air show, noooooooooooo. I choose a different path for the weekend.

Saturday evening I bring dinner home for my better half so we can enjoy a relaxed evening watching movies. Just before I push the "PLAY" button on the DVD machine, I get a call from my eldest son who took his family to Greer for the week to relax. Seems he is having car issues and the biggest winter storm of the season is bearing down on his location. Normally, I would have laughed at his dilemma and wished him luck. Fortunately for this son, he is the father of my only three grand children and he knows PAPA will not let anything jeopardize their well-being.

Accordingly, I grabbed a burrito with one hand and the truck keys with the other and started driving north. About 4 hours later I arrive at the cabin and spend the rest of the night resolving the car problem (bad fuel filter). After a short early morning nap, I was awakened by the sound of high winds whipping the cabin. One look outside told the story, it was snowing and snowing hard.

Now for the folks from colder climates, this would be no big deal. But for native desert dwellers like me, snow in large quantities is a scary proposition. We quickly packed-up and started the very slow 200 mile journey home. I had forgotten how tired I get driving 25 mph for 6 hours in a howling snow storm. We all got home safe and sound and I tucked my grand kids in bed a couple of hours ago :D

Here are a couple of photos from my iPhone (sacrilege) that show a side of Arizona that we don't often see.

Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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Jeff, pretty cool shots for a cellphone.  Under less urgent conditions, this would have made for a great photo op.  After having seen some of the news footage from Flagstaff, I was wishing we had went up that way, to try for some heavily snow laden tree photos.
Bill Osmun

Jeff D. Welker

Thanks Bill. That iPhone camera is way better than I thought. Makes me wonder why I'm spending so much money on Canon equipment  ;D

If the wind had not been so bad, it would have been a great day to shoot. The trees are very heavy with snow. I'm betting that tomorrow afternoon the storm will clear and you can get some tremendous images. When we were driving the stretch from Greer to McNary, we literally had to stop several times around the turnoff to Sunrise due to zero visibility. I've never had to drive in a "white out" that bad before. That 25-30 mile stretch took me an hour to drive and wore me clean out.

Here is shot of the best visibility I had about 10 miles east of McNary.

Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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Lynn Evans

Hi Jeff, I'm glad everything turned out well for all. We missed you in Yuma.
Lynn Evans


Good going gramps, and I sort of feel your pain about the driving in bad weather.

Yesterday I got a look at the mountains around Wickenburg, and they were beautiful. Covered in snow, clouds whisping around and over them, the sunlight hitting them perfectly. So, I packed up my gear and pointed the truck in that general direction. A storm was heading that way, but I thought I'd have enough time to snap off a few shots.

No such luck. The storm caught up to me about six miles down a dirt road outsise Wickenburg. The road was already muddy from the previous night's rains, and next thing I know, I'm caught in a snow/rain/hail storm, and I'm doing the "El Centro" through the mud, trying to make my way back to civilization.

Being the much smarter person  I am now, compared to a few weeks ago in El Centro, I immediately removed the mud in my driveway, basically moving a mess from the underside of my truck to the driveway. But at least I'm not weighed down by all that muck.  ;D


I made a crazy huge Panorama this morning.  Actual file size came in at over 40,000 pixels wide and 3gb in file size.  Click the original size here to see it scaled down to 7,500 wide.  

Click for large version

Jeff D. Welker

Very cool pano Chris. How many shots are stitched together in this final image? Was it a royal pain to achieve or not so bad?
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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