My sole Christmas list occupant...aka Canon's new flagship DSLR announced

Started by Dave S., October 18, 2011, 08:33:32 AM

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Dave S.

Canon has announced their latest, top of the line, DSLR: The EOS-1D X.  It's the flagship for their EOS line (full frame, 12 fps, 18.1 MP...)...and slightly out of my price range.  Come on Santa...!!!

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Some Canon bodies and lenses

Jay Beckman

Pretty beastly camera...

Probably will cause me to eventually part with my MkIII...
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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There's a strong possiblity that Canon will soon (like within the next few weeks) announce the 200-400mm w/ integrated 1.4x they showed off earlier this year, will probably cost about the same or more as the 1DX.


yeah think ill stick with my humble lil XS for now since the price for just the body will pay off my car with enough left over for a fun weekend in Vegas  :P

Paul Dumm

Chris, you eather  have a cheap car or expensive taste in cameras.  ;D
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Quote from: Paul Dumm on October 20, 2011, 03:35:15 PM
Chris, you eather  have a cheap car or expensive taste in cameras.  ;D

I'll try what my thermo professor did a while back. He bought a Porsche 911 (I think he said it was a 1980s one) and survived on ramen for like a year.


Quote from: Jay Beckman on October 18, 2011, 09:49:04 AM
Pretty beastly camera...

Probably will cause me to eventually part with my MkIII...

Have you been 100% happy with the Mk3? I'm pondering one for my next step up.


Jay Beckman

Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Jay Beckman

Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Chris V

I hope the prices start dropping on the 1ds mkIII over the next couple years, I want one!

Jay Beckman

I wouldn't mind having one myself.

At the very least, I hope I can marry my MkIV to another MkIV
Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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Chris V

MkIV's should become more affordable also which is another option, I might have to get a second part time job to start a slush fund for gear lol!


Quote from: Jay Beckman on October 24, 2011, 08:32:03 PM
Canon has new large primes they're hoping to sell...   ;)

And the yet-to-be-officially-announced 200-400 with an integrated 1.4x. This no autofocus at f8 fiasco will definitely push that over the sketchy 100-400L/1.4x combo.