General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon

Started by Joe Copalman, June 22, 2009, 12:04:33 PM

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Tower Guy

Joe Copalman

Harvey, whichever god you were praying to when you shot that, it looks like they answered pretty quickly.
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Jeff D. Welker

A beautifully crafted image Harvey. The distinction of the Viper's shape against the late evening light is wonderful. The F-16's tack sharp silhouette contrasts wonderfully compared to the mountains and atmosphere being smeared ever so gently by your deft panning skill. Lastly, having the pilot's profile prominent and the jet wash subtle is the icing on the cake for me. BTW, did I say I liked it!  ;D
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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Scott Youmans

Harvey,  Jeff pretty well summed things up!  Great that it has the centerline tank.  Really fills out the shape of the F-16 nicely.
Scott C. Youmans
All Rights Reserved

Tower Guy

Bjorn van der Flier

some different kinds of European flavour......


4040 F-16C 31.BLT by Bjorn vd Flier, on Flickr


FA123 F-16AM  nmk by Bjorn vd Flier, on Flickr

The Netherlands

J-879  F-16AM  322sq by Bjorn vd Flier, on Flickr

all shots are made during Frisian flag 2013, at Leeuwarden airbase  (on special request of Harvey)
Bjorn van der Flier
Editor Showreports Scramble Magazine
PO Box 75545
1118 ZN Schiphol
The Netherlands


Joe Copalman

"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Tower Guy

Thanks Bjorn, I see so many LFs on the tail that it is a nice change to see the European models, thanks.

Bjorn van der Flier

Thank you Harvey, and to continue on my European (and Arabic) F-16 Flavour....

F-16CG of the 510th FS operating out of Aviano AB, Italy

88-0510-AV  F-16CG by Bjorn vd Flier, on Flickr

480th FS F-16CM operating out of Spangdahlem AB in Germany

91-0366-SP F-16CM  480th FS by Bjorn vd Flier, on Flickr

Danish F-16AM, E599

E-599 F-16AM by Bjorn vd Flier, on Flickr

Jordan AF F-16AM 141, this is a former Belgium AF example

141  F-16AM by Bjorn vd Flier, on Flickr

And Finaly an Italian Lease F-16A ADF MM7239

MM7239  F-16A ADF  5 Stormo by Bjorn vd Flier, on Flickr
Bjorn van der Flier
Editor Showreports Scramble Magazine
PO Box 75545
1118 ZN Schiphol
The Netherlands


Tower Guy

Very nice group of shots Bjorn, thank you for sharing.

Tower Guy