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Groom lake Article

Started by Chris V, March 28, 2010, 09:51:48 PM

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Story seems to have some holes, or maybe dis-information, or both.   He was just a security guard, but then him and a buddy took photos of him near the living quarters, and next to some F-105's.   Yeah, I suppose it could happen.   And all they were testing were A-12/SR-71's.   Maybe so then, but what about for the last 40 years.  And the CIA just gives out cash to keep people quiet.  Yeah, along with an electric probe up the wahzoo.

Everyone knows the CIA can selectively brainwash specific memories away ;D, so they don't need to pay out cash.   Cash only keeps people quiet for so long, basically until they meet up with a good friend, or get drunk.

The gov't brings out these slightly eccentric old timers to make you think they are now able to break their 50 yr. silence and tell you nothing other than testing of planes that have been widely known about since the Johnson admin. was really going on at this base that has so much security, and which the gov't denied even existed.  Only those who actually work their will really ever know about what goes on there, the rest of us will be told BS by supposed security guards forever.

I'm still siding with the little grey men stories, and the aliens probing human subjects.  Just listen to late nite AM radio talk shows, with Bob Lazar or Art Bell.  There's the rest of the story.  Lazar was a physicist who worked to reverse engineer the aliens spaceship propulsion and power plant systems.

I gotta go, I'm looking to be ubducted about midnight, and probed shortly thereafter.
Bill Osmun

Joe Copalman

Good points Bill.

The "There is no record of my service" thing is something I've been suspicious of since I brought a Vietnam veteran into one of my classrooms where he proceeded to lie about his service (including passing around a Silver Star, supposedly awarded for "Being good at killing people").  He made the claim about "no record of what I did," and claimed his paperwork indicated he was an aircraft mechanic at Ubon Airbase in Thailand, yet he has a Silver Star for killing people, despite being based several hundred miles away from the nearest enemy action.  He also claimed to be suffering from illnesses related to exposure to Agent Orange, yet the places he said he was (including China!) were not areas targeted by defoliating flights.  Really one of the most transparent frauds I've ever met.

"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Chris V

I know the type Joe, we have a guy here at work that says he was a Navy Seal, has a purple heart etc but is so out of shape and lacks any type of motivation at all. Says he can't get care at the VA because his service was secret lol. He's was in Panama, Iraq, & Afghanistan he states, but he doesn't even know where Kandahar is. I am betting he was a cook in the Navy. Its sad that people have to be like that.

Joe Copalman

LOL - they're ALL super-high-speed special operators whose assignments were "secret."  I know a guy who was a Lt. Col. in MACV-SOG toward the end of the war, and he told me that pretty much nothing about what they did back then is secret anymore, and anyone telling you what they did in Vietnam is "classified" is either a poser or being needlessly dramatic. 

You might want to point out to this guy that what he is doing is illegal:

There are also several websites that can help you "out" phony veterans.  This stuff just drives me crazy.
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ