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North American F-100 Super Sabre

Started by Scott Youmans, December 06, 2011, 05:47:30 PM

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Scott Youmans

I'm posting this photo for two reasons. The photos taken recently on a rainy day at Luke reminded of this air show at there in the late seventies.  A good friend of mine named Ken Jones took this picture and gave me an extra slide which I have scanned.  I lost touch with Ken and have learned that he has passed away.

I met Ken at the gate to Davis Monthan in 1978 waiting to go on the monthly tour of MASDC.  Ken was a big influence on me in terms of getting more serious about shooting aircraft and I owe a lot to him.  Thanks Ken for raising the bar and being a good friend.
Scott C. Youmans
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Paul Dumm

Thanks Scott, glad to see some F-100's.
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