Trying (unsuccessfullly) to clean my sensor

Started by scottcolbath, November 24, 2013, 12:29:03 PM

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It seems the more I try, the more junk ends up on my sensor. I had better luck sitting in my car at the end of 26 in El Centro, than I am at my kitchen table. Now, I know there is dust in my house, and I took measures to reduce said dust in the area where I am working. Still, every time I clean the sensor and do a test shot, it seems I am adding to the problem. I have more dust, and/or relocated dust. Visually, the sensor looks OK, so it's the real small stuff that is not visible to the naked eye, that is showing up on my test shots.

Anyone got some suggestions on how to get this done? This is not my first rodeo. I've successfully been cleaning my sensors for six years. However, the last couple of times have been frustratingly unsuccessful.

I wish I had some sort of micro vacuum.
