Sizing Watermarks?

Started by Jeff D. Welker, November 14, 2012, 09:51:00 AM

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Jeff D. Welker

My talented associates; I need your expertise and help. Here is my problem (photographically not personally):

For whatever reason, it appears my watermark changes size (stretches) based upon the percentage of my crop. I want to learn how to stop this change so my watermark remains the same size no matter how I crop an image. I create and apply my watermark(s) within Lightroom 4. What am I missing?

Any help you could provide is sincerely appreciated.

Thank you;

Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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Dave S.


I too have struggled with this issue...and don't have a solution...yet.

I too use LR, and I also have experienced this issue with Zenfolio.   I believe the issue lies within how/when the watermark is applied.  I think the heart of the issue is that LR applies the watermark before the image is resized during the 'export' process.

Here's the short version of what I believe happens within LR, but bit of a lengthy example is given further below.

Sensor size: 3888 x 2592
aesthetically cropped w/in LR: dims become 3320 x 2214
LR applies watermark
LR exports image, reducing size of the image AND the watermark to the specified 'Resize to fit Long Edge' within the export dialogue: 2400 x 1600

I'll use the numbers from a recently processed shot from the visit to TIA.
  My native sensor size is 3888 x 2592.
  I've processed, cropped and adjusted the size of an image to something that I find aesthetically pleasing (while maintaining the original size ratio of 1.5), that results in an image sized at 3320 x 2214.

Now here's the tricky part...

  Now, I wish to Export said image.  If I post it to my Zenfolio account, I typically use a 2400 x 1600 @ 300 dpi as my default size.  I believe LR applies the watermark at the 3320 x 2214 size (aesthetically cropped, but not yet resized for export), and assume my watermark is 332 pixels wide.  I then choose to output my image at my preferred 2400 x 1600 @ 300 dpi.  The image is scaled down by 72% (2400/3320).  My 332 pixel wide watermark is then scaled down that same amount: 72%.  So my watermark is now 332 * 0.72 = 239 pixels wide.

  Now let's say I found a shot that I like SOOC, with no cropping.  It's reduction during export becomes: output size/original size, 2400/3888 = 61.7%.  Now my watermark is reduced by 61.7% too: 332 x 0.617 = 204 pixels.

  Looking at the sizes of the watermarks: 239 pixels wide in the first example and 204 pixels wide in the second example.

I think the ideal solution would be for LR to apply the watermark after the image has been cropped for export, thereby keeping the watermark sized the same regardless of how much the original image (SOOC) has been cropped/resized prior to export.

Okay - that's my $0.02.
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Paul Dumm

I never had any issus with watermarks and changeing the size when I export. three photos that i change from the edit. First one is 900 on long side and the second is 20 on long side third is 500x300.
I have 'Proportional' check in the export watermark edit box.
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Dave S.


What OS and software are you using for these results?

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Paul Dumm

"You don't become a professional simply by earning certificates, adding ratings, or getting a paycheck for flying. Rather, professionalism is a mindset. It comes from having the attitude, the ethics, and the discipline to do the right thing — every time, all the time, regardless of who's watching."

Dave S.


That's very interesting - the option for 'Proportional'.  I'm on OS X (10.7.5) and LR 4.2.

Okay, found where that 'Proportional' option is.  It doesn't show up during the export process, but it's found under the 'Lightroom' pull down menu - Edit Watermarks...  Discovered that I already had it selected.

Next problem: I also run into the same issue with my Zenfolio stuff.
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What do you mean by you want the watermark to stay the same size? 
Do you mean pixels wide (say 300) or do you mean proportion of the image (say 1/4 image width)?

I don't use Lightroom, but if the watermark is simply a graphic, such as a jpeg overlay, it has a size in pixels, and once applied to the image, I would expect it to change in whatever proportion you adjust the image after you insert it into the image.
Bill Osmun



If I understand your remarks along with what Paul D. is saying, you should uncheck the proportional box, so your watermark is not applied proportionally.

That is if what happens is that the watermark is only applied to the image upon export to Zenfolio, and not made a part of the original image by you.
Bill Osmun

Jeff D. Welker

Quote from: BillOz on November 14, 2012, 09:34:43 PM

What do you mean by you want the watermark to stay the same size?  
Do you mean pixels wide (say 300) or do you mean proportion of the image (say 1/4 image width)?

I don't use Lightroom, but if the watermark is simply a graphic, such as a jpeg overlay, it has a size in pixels, and once applied to the image, I would expect it to change in whatever proportion you adjust the image after you insert it into the image.

Bill - I don't normally like to discuss the size of my watermark in public  ;D  I'm certainly not going to reveal exact dimensions. However, I could not fix this problem via my normal methods so I sought the help of my AzAP comrades. With Paul's help, I believe the issue is resolved.

Thanks everyone.
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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Well,  Excuuuuuuuuuuuse me.
Bill Osmun

Jeff D. Welker

Quote from: BillOz on November 15, 2012, 07:12:17 AM
Well,  Excuuuuuuuuuuuse me.

Bill - I hope you know that I was simply being a sarcastic smart alec. No offense intended sir.
Jeff D. Welker
Mesa, AZ

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