2012 goals....What do you have?

Started by scottcolbath, January 01, 2012, 09:34:03 PM

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Ride the motorcycles more.

Exercise more.

Read more (always non fiction).

Photograph more events (Already looking good for 2012).

Drink less.

Enter another motorcycle race. At least one more.

Work towards a promotion on the job.

Get serious about my hiking. My new hip is awesome now.

Explore more. That being, ride/hike further and longer, whether it's dirt or street.

Make more friends.

Help more friends when they need it.

Maybe, just maybe, pick up a guitar or keyboard again and start playing. It's been too long.

Learn to relax (Yeah, right. Do you see the list above?).

I turn 50 this year. The way I see it now, my life is well past half over, and I'm not slowing down. I'm turning it up to 12. The hell with 11. 11 is for wimps in mock rock bands.  ;D 



Well Scott I know about the getting old part, ill be turning 36, which to some im sure is no big deal but quite a few of my friends (that I grew up with) are married, kids and successful so that will start my list

Find my significant other

Get mom out of the care center

Lose weight (im 5'4" and gained 25lbs on my current job so takes me up to 220 which is way too much)

Drink More (in other words become more social or just get more drunk)

Take my photography to another level - take classes, shoot things other than aircraft, maybe some pretty ladies, perhaps buy a new lens and or flash

Learn not to be so angry all the time

Buy and restore my own Lockheed Jetstar to original condition to shuttle all my AzAP buddies to various photo shoots ;)


Photograph the JSDF amphibian-thingy at Atsugi.

Everything else will be gravy if I get that.  ;D
James "JSlugman" O'Rear
Yokota AFB, Japan RJTY

Author of "Aviation Photography- A Pictorial Guide"
