El Centro Photocall, November 14, 2018

Started by Brian Corbett, November 16, 2018, 12:39:02 PM

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Brian Corbett

I'll get the thread rolling with a few shots from our most recent outing to NAFEC. A great time was had by all and there was a variety of aircraft for us to shoot. I look forward to seeing everyone else's images!


60th Mentor


Oedi Can You See

Broke No Mo'

Dr. Evil


"My center is giving way, my right is in retreat, situation excellent. I attack."  --Marshall Foch, September, 1914, Battle of the Marne.

Inverted Sky Images

Jonathan Navarro

Great shots Brian! Was nice seeing you again

Ned Harris

Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona

Ned Harris

Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona

Paul Larson

Jay Beckman

Four From Me...  For Now
(Really great seeing everyone!)

Jay Beckman
Chandler, AZ
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any posted images without consent.

Paul Larson

Ned Harris

Ned Harris
Tucson, Arizona

Anna M. Wood

Anna M. Wood

Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion, from Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 465 (HMH-465) "Warhorse", Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California.