Mesa crew.......Home question

Started by scottcolbath, May 14, 2012, 11:10:48 PM

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I may have my home sold here in Wickenburg. I've been looking for a place close to the office at 56th St. and 101, but of course, you get less for your money in that area.

West side around 67th Ave or Arrowhead is not much cheaper, yet still keeps me about 20 minutes from the office.

Enter zip code 85213. A coworker suggested that area. There are some great deals down that way, and there is the bonus of being close to Falcon. Also, there are homes on 1/2 acre lots with citrus trees....something I really like.

So, are any of you living in that area? How do you like it? Pros? Cons?


Joe Copalman

That's actually my zip code.  I love it.  You're reasonably close to pretty much anything.  Five minutes and you're on the Beeline to Payson.  Fifteen and you're on the 10 East to Tucson.  Ten minutes to Tempe, fifteen to Sky Harbor, twenty to Downtown, twenty to Willie, twenty-five to north Scottsdale, forty-ish to Luke, forty-five to Casa Grande.  The commute to 56th & the 101 might be a pain depending on your start/finish times, as the 101 is pretty solid when you head north from the 202.  I'd guesstimate 45-60 minutes during peak traffic hours.  Might be able to shave some time off cutting through the reservation and catching the 101 at Chapparal or thereabouts, but that comes with its own risks, especially if you have a lead foot.  That's honestly one of my favorite things about living out here, especially after several years out in Queen Creek - I can get in my car and be anywhere worthwhile within about forty minutes.  Restaurants, grocery stores, and gas stations are plentiful, schools are good, crime is relatively low, and it's right near Falcon.

And come March, the orange blossoms will blow your mind.

Pretty sure Welker can give you more of the solid demographic stuff. 
"I'm sorry sir, you can't take photos of that aircraft."

"If you've seen my work, you'd know I really can't take photos of any aircraft." 

Joe Copalman
AzAP Co-Founder
Mesa, AZ

Chris Janes

Sheesh Joe....makes me wanna move up there as well  ;D ;D

Dave S.


I'm in 85203, right next door to Joe's zip code.  I'll second the comments in his reply.  As an added bonus for me, living just a couple of miles west and south of him, I live right under Sky Harbor's flightpath.  They are still relatively high, but when they are landing from the east, I get to see the belly of most of the traffic headed into Sky Harbor - including that great British Airways 747 everyday, except Wednesdays.

- Dave
Constructive Comments & Critiques are always welcomed
All images © David Shields, all rights reserved
Some Canon bodies and lenses


Thanks guys.

Joe, I am an early riser, and at my desk no later than 06:00 every day, so traffic will not be a concern. I may even bump my start time to 07:00 if it's not too bad, and use the early morning to get back into my exercise routine.

I'd guess I could be on the 202 to the 101 in no time and probably at my office in 30 minutes or less.
