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Can this image be saved?

Started by Jason Hyatt, April 27, 2011, 09:25:56 AM

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Jason Hyatt

How would YOU save this image? I need some help from our experts. I tried my butt off to salvage this image. Mainly due to the high ISO setting. It was shot in the last amount of the day's light with a Canon 50D, ISO800, F/4, 1/60. My main concern is the noise and losing sharpness with the overall image. Let me know what you think I could do.... I literally tweaked all sorts of things in PS Elements to get my end result and I would just like to know what you feel I could do to salvage the image and improve the post-processing. Thanks in advance for your help.
All images are © Jason Hyatt and may not be used without consent

"When one engine fails on a twin engine aircraft, you always have enough power to get you to the crash site." - Unknown

Lynn Evans

Jason this my attempt on your photo. I don't think there is any detail in the helo that can be brought out. I cleaned up the lights, used Topaz to saturate and some sharpening. I 'm learning post processing, so I am sure others can do a better job. Lynn

Lynn Evans