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Messages - wingsnstuff

JD, Great shot.  This was truly an awesome display that the Mustangs put on.  Thanks for sharing.  Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Bruce Willis in your photo. 
This shot at MCAS Miramar might get you shot or at least apprehended.  This shot at Williams....Priceless.  Nice photo of this Hornet.
Military / Re: Boeing EA-18G Growler / Grizzly
July 06, 2009, 03:44:09 PM
554 looks like it's fresh off the assembly line.  Can you say "Pristine"?  :-)  Very nice shots of this aircraft.  Nice job all.
Military / Re: Boeing C-135 - All Variants
July 06, 2009, 03:39:03 PM
This is a great shot of the RJ.  Too bad the shadows masked the antenna farm on the belly.  Regardless, this is a wonderful shot of a special aircraft.  I wonder how much drag is created by all the stuff hanging off the belly?
Great shots everyone.  Wow, I've got a lot of work to do to catch up with the quality of these photos.  As they say on the PGA commercials "These Guys Are Good".  You guys are really good.  Thanks for letting me tag along. 
Warbirds / North American P-51 Mustang
June 29, 2009, 09:07:56 AM
Wow! This is an awesome shot.  This is Calendar Cover quality.  Very nice.  The guy in the back is having a great time...I think.  Maybe the smile is the initial start of a scream. :)
AzAP General Information / Re: AzAP apparel
June 27, 2009, 12:06:00 AM
Send us a picture of you in it. 
David, These are some pretty spectacular shots of the F/A-18.  Well Done!
Wow!  This  one looks like it's fresh off the production squadron markings.  Great shot.
Susie (my wife) and I plan to head up either Saturday morning or possibly Friday afternoon, depending on workload.  I'm in Virginia until Wednesday evening so will have some catching up to do when I get back.  See you all there regardless of what day we leave.
Military / Re: McDonnell-Douglas T-45 Goshawk
June 20, 2009, 09:02:05 PM
This photo makes it look like it's sitting on a flight deck.  Nice shot.
Military / Re: Sikorsky H-60 - All Variants
June 20, 2009, 07:27:17 PM
You're probably correct.  I didn't see your note before I posted the MH-60G comment, but I thought that the HH designator was Navy and the MH designator was for Army and Air Force "Special Mission" birds. 
Military / Re: Northrop T-38 Talon
June 20, 2009, 11:56:50 AM
Did you see this bird when it was at Williams a little over a month ago?  I took some photos of it (certainly not as good as this), and it had a white cargo pack straped into the rear seat.  I just wondered if you know what it is for.  I've never seen that done before.
Military / Re: Sikorsky H-60 - All Variants
June 20, 2009, 11:52:12 AM
Joe, I missed your note.   Was this a Navy bird or Army/Air Force.  It's difficult to see the position and angle of the tail wheel in this photograph.
Wow Joe.  It looks like your were standing on the runway.  Great shot.  Was this inside the fence?  You must have some serious good connections.  It is a beautiful airplane and you got all of it with clarity.